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Protect Yourself With Travel Insurance

Protect Yourself With Travel Insurance
Oryz Apartments
August 1, 2024

Don’t Be a Drongo … Protect Yourself Down Under!

If you’re one of the many Working Holiday Makers around the world that had decided to hit the road and take a backpacking holiday – it’s important to make sure you stay protected whilst trekking across the outback.

The words ‘travel insurance’ don’t always inspire enthusiasm in the best of us, especially when we’re buzzing to just get out there and soak up the atmosphere. Fingers crossed you never need it but it is one of the most important things you can pack in that essentials-laden bag.

Travel Insurance in Australia

You don’t have to know much about Australia to know about its weird and wonderful wildlife. The Outback alone is packed with enough varieties of deadly snakes, snap-happy saltwater crocodiles and really hairy spiders to scare anyone back into the big city, but it’s still worth a visit. Taking precautions and making sure the distinctively red sand under your feet is clear before you walk is all well and good, but what happens if you are bitten or stung by one of these Aussie beasts? If you fall ill abroad, there’s not always someone you know to be there, hold your hand and help you out. That’s where travel insurance comes in to help assist and advise you when you need it most, as well as covering some of the things you won’t always think of.


Posted in Travel

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